A Midsummer Night’s Dream 99-00

A Midsummer Night’s Dream 99-00

Four Athenian youths, mismatched in their desires, enter a forest where the natural world bleeds into the supernatural, where they stumble upon a domestic dispute between the King and Queen of Fairies, and their lives—and loves—are forever changed. Magical and mischievous, Puck is A Midsummer Night’s Dream’s puppeteer, orchestrating the various couplings and uncouplings in this, Shakespeare’s much loved tale of sylvan romance and sprightly longings.

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View a program from the production.

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[accordion-item title=”The Cast”]

Floyd King*
Nick Bottom

Tricia Paoluccio*

Anna Cody*

Erik Sorensen*

Andrew Long*
Oberon, Father of Hermia

Valerie Leonard*
Titania, Mother of Hermia

Blair Singer*
Puck, Philostrate

Gregory Wooddell*

David Sabin*
Peter Quince

Cameron Folmar*
Francis Flute

Ralph Cosham
Tom Snout

Eric Hoffman*

Emery Battis*
Robin Starveling

David Sabin*
Voice of the Duke

Erin Cottrell*
A Fairy

Benjamin Hundley
A Changeling Boy

Loren Sands-Ramshaw
A Changeling Boy

Carol Arthur, John C. Bailey, Barnardo Da Paula, Nikki DeVylder, Monica Anne Graham, Casey Groves, Gavin Hoffman, Tiffni Jellinek, Daryl Lathon, Michael Laurino, Timothy Pabon, Alexa Scott-Flaherty, Benjamin Shirley, P.J. Simmons, Jesse Terrill, Joel Weaver


[accordion-item title=”The Artistic Team”]

Joe Calarco

Michael Fagin
Set Designer

Helen Q. Huang
Costume Designer

Daniel MacLean Wagner
Lighting Designer

Jon Magnussen

Karma Camp

Brian D. Keating
Sound Designer

Ralph Zito
Vocal Consultant

PJ Paparelli
Assistant Director

Pat Hodge
Stage Manager

Stuart Howard, Amy Schecter
Casting Directors

