Good Chance, Human First Coalition, and One Journey are partnering with audiences of
The Jungle to support refugees across the world.
Washington, D.C. is the found home of many immigrant communities, making it arguably one of the most diverse populations in the world. The current situation for migrants is dire: with asylum seekers scrambling for limited resources, Black migrants being disproportionately targeted for deportation, and domestic violence survivors struggling to secure lifesaving support, your partnership is vital.
Here’s what you can do to help:
Audiences of
The Jungle are invited to donate to
The Jungle Fund. All donations will go toward supporting Good Chance Theatre and One Journey's work with refugees and other displaced artists and entrepreneurs and Human First Coalition's work supporting people seeking sanctuary. You can donate in person at the theatre or through any of the links below.
Donate to The Jungle Fund
The time and expertise of volunteers can be life-changing all around. For volunteer opportunities in community outreach, language access support, legal consultations, and more, we recommend contacting Capital Area Immigrants' Rights Coalition. CAIR strives to ensure equal justice for all immigrant men, women, and children at risk of detention and deportation in the DC metropolitan area and beyond through interpersonal outreach, an accessible hotline for those in need, and pro bono legal representation.
There are a number of incredible organizations around D.C. that take volunteers (a few more are listed below) and we encourage you to seek out more in your own neighborhood.
Write to your elected official/s to call for state and federal funding and infrastructure to help meet the humanitarian needs of asylum seekers and to promote unity rather than encouraging discourse that pits struggling communities against each other. Read up on the complexity of the current situation
here and
Enhance Your Experience Through Events
STC and Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company are also excited to bring the world and the message of
The Jungle to D.C. through a curated series of wraparound enrichment events as well as information on our partner organizations.
Washington, D.C. is home to numerous international, national, and local refugee organizations along with think tanks, universities, and more—all of whom are engaged with some aspect of refugee issues. We have joined forces with numerous organizations that are on the front line of these causes to provide further insight and entry into the world of
The Jungle and how the concerns you will see on stage impact us all.
Help us expand awareness of
The Jungle and leverage its impact on the nation’s capital by getting involved by joining us for any (or all) of these engaging events.

Current and Upcoming Events
360-Degree Virtual AR Experience (ongoing)
Experience a 360-degree view of the Calais Jungle in virtual reality. Step inside the world and community that inspired this immersive production. This is offered in two ways:
1) A shortened version of the video can be experienced in the Harman Hall orchestra lobby prior to each show.
2) Reserve a time to see the full video in the Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company lobby here.
Shakespeare Hour Live: Beyond The Jungle
Saturday, April 1
5 p.m. to 6 p.m. ET
Shakespeare Theatre Company | Harman Hall Forum and via livestream on YouTube
This event is free and open to the public.
Join moderator and STC Resident Dramaturg
Dr. Drew Lichtenberg for
Beyond The Jungle—a live discussion with professors and leaders of NGOs and D.C. cultural centers exploring immigration from the U.K. to the United States through the lens of
The Jungle.
Learn more and RSVP here.
Religion, Human Rights, and Displacement: A conversation with Ambassador Rashad Hussain
Wednesday, April 5
5:15 p.m.
Harman Hall
Join Moderator
LeeAnet Noble (STC Director of Equity and Belonging) for a one-on-one discussion with
Rashad Hussain (Ambassador at Large, Office of International Religious Freedom) following the matinee performance of
The Jungle.
Meet The Members of The Jungle Fund
Meet More Local Organizations