Partner Benefits

Partner Benefits

Photo of the cast of The Comedy of Errors by Scott Suchman.

A partnership with the Shakespeare Theatre Company will connect your brand and organization with a timeless cultural icon—STC, the nation’s premier classic theatre—and our audiences. Audiences value corporate sponsorships*: 60% of all consumers reported they were likely to purchase goods or services from corporations that support the arts. Respondents are also growing much more receptive to messaging from cultural sponsors: 54% in 2017 versus 43% in 2014. Frequent attendees of theatre—who tend to be more educated, with higher incomes—are the most supportive of corporate sponsorship: 57% of frequent attendees say they are more likely to make purchases from corporations that support the arts. The Shakespeare Theatre Company’s Corporate Giving team is well-versed in helping businesses identify targeted sponsorship opportunities.  For more information on sponsorship of the Company’s productions or programs and the associated benefits including branding, promotional, and hospitality opportunities, please contact the Corporate Giving Office at 202.547.3230 ext. 2331 or by email. * Information from Culture Track 2017 Report

Sponsorship Benefits

Our partnerships seek to attain the following goals:
  • Position your organization as a leader in the nation’s capital, by offering a unique event for prominent clients, thus highlighting your company as an out-of-the-box thinker.
  • Provide opportunities for your brand and brand ambassadors to connect with our VIP patrons, talent, Washington celebrities and young professionals in a social setting geared toward networking and peer-to-peer interaction.
  • Increase your visibility as a leading corporate citizen in front of local and national policymakers who also attend these exclusive events through top-tier recognition opportunities and creative company branding.
Sponsorship benefits can include:
  • Prestigious association with the nation’s premier classic theatre
  • Category exclusivity
  • Opportunity for product display and sampling
  • Credit in print advertising, with use of logo
  • Logo visibility in an aggressive and targeted advertising campaign
  • Credit in broadcast advertising
  • Credit on collateral materials, including season brochures, performance programs, tickets, mailings, flyers, banners, and posters
  • Opportunity to use the Shakespeare Theatre Company’s name in corporate advertising
  • Opportunities for corporate and client entertaining
  • Exclusive access to world-class theatre artists such as directors, playwrights, designers, and actors
  • Access to a diverse, educated, loyal and professional audience
  • Exclusive entertainment opportunities for business development and employee rewards
  • Complimentary tickets to the STC season and special ticket offers
These benefits should be used as a guide; we are happy to work with you on a customized proposal which places focus on any program(s) that meet your unique hospitality, entertainment, recognition, and access objectives. For more information about corporate opportunities, contact the Corporate Giving Office at 202.547.3230 ext. 2331 or by email. To sponsor today please complete this application and email it to or mail it to: Shakespeare Theatre Company, Attn. Corporate Relations Office, 516 8th Street SE, Washington, DC 20003.