Unsex Me Here – Partnerships in Politics

Unsex Me Here – Partnerships in Politics

Hear from women leaders—all authorities in the fields—as they discuss the political partnerships in Camelot and in the world around us.

Inspired by the Women’s Voices Theater Festival, STC’s “Unsex Me Here” Series tackles the complex portrayals of and demands upon women in the classic theatre canon, STC’s mainstage season and modern day workplaces.

Featuring Panelists:

Holly Dugan is an Associate Professor of English at The George Washington University. Her scholarship focuses on the role of literature as an archive of the past, especially in terms of Shakespeare, original performance practices and early modern English material culture. She is an expert on olfaction in the Renaissance and the author of The Ephemeral History of Perfume: Scent and Sense in Early Modern England (JHU Press, 2011). She teaches courses on women writers, the English Renaissance, Shakespearean London, Milton and literature and economics at The George Washington University. She is currently working on two book projects: Shakespeare and the Senses (under contract with Oxford University Press)which explores the sensory aspects of early modern performance, and The Famous Ape, which traces the role of animal actors from the Renaissance to the modern era.

Claire Jerry is a Curator in the Division of Political History at the National Museum of American History specializing in 20th– and 21st-century campaigning and the history of the presidency. Her previous positions include serving as Chief Curator of Collections and Research at McKissick Museum and guest curator at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library & Museum. Prior to entering the museum field, she was Professor of History and Communication at MacMurray College. Claire holds a PhD in Rhetoric and Public Address and Masters Degrees in Public History and Speech Communication.

Elisabeth J. LaMotte, LICSW, is a social worker, author and founder of the DC Counseling and Psychotherapy Center. She has more than 20 years of experience in the psychotherapy field. She serves on the Board of Overseers of her graduate school, the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice. She is an American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy approved supervisor and supervises marriage and family therapy clinicians. She is an active media contributor and was recently published in The Washington Post and The New York Times.  Her book, Overcoming Your Parents’ Divorce, was a finalist in the 2008 National Best Book Awards in the relationship category.

With Moderator:

Alexandra Petri is a humor columnist for The Washington Post, a playwright, a proud member of the Welders Playwrights Collective and author of the essay collection, A Field Guide To Awkward Silences. She is also a Camelot fanatic.

This event is co-hosted by the Young Professionals Consortium Arts Engagement Council.